Creating a strategy for landscape infrastructure for a futuristic green city
(11037 : Landscape Systems - Strategy for Landscape Infrastructure)
The goals of Arcadia are what the city and its people will strive for to create a healthier landscape for the well being of those that inhabit it. Objectives laid out in this strategy are ideals and will flow with new technology to not only keep up with but lead the green landscape movement. Past mistakes mean challenges must be overcome before pushing forward, with “home grown” energy and efficient spending a key to this strategies success.
Most important is to focus on the foundational characteristics of a healthy green landscape and to strive for that rather then aim for the short term goals. However, nothing can be done without the active and positive involvement of the Greater Arcadian community. The open and inclusive process this document and all City Plan documents give, allows for easy to understanding of the process. Access to these will be available through the Greater Arcadia website and all local library, for free.
The mistakes of the past will not be repeated and the council relies on the people it represents to be apart of this endeavour. This community will form from this great landscape something that the whole world will look to for the future.